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  1. Bonjour Je rencontre exactement le même problème (mauvaise qualité d'image) et même hier, j'ai démonté l'appareil photo et nettoyé la vitre interne, mais cela n'a pas été résolu. Cependant, j'ai également remarqué ce point de colle et j'ai décidé de le laisser dans sa position d'origine. En lisant votre message maintenant, je recommencerai et je discuterai plus ou moins pour voir si j'obtiens de meilleurs résultats. Merci beaucoup pour le partage!
  2. Hello Friend, Thanks for the reply, I will look at the subjects
  3. Hello everyone, My name is Luiz and I am from Brazil. I am new to the Drone world, and recently got a Drone Hubsan H502s (from a friend) and I have some questions. Can you help me? 1)About the quality of the images (appendix), I know it's a basic drone by the price range, but even asism, as I checked with other people who have the same drone, compared to the images, this one of mine is worse, both in video How much photo. I think it should be a little better. (I also have a Visuo XS809 HW HD G Drone that is inferior to Hubsan, but in practice the camera quality is better); 2)About the FVP, I know that over long distances it is normal to lose sight of the camera, however in my case this is happening early on, for example in less than 20 meters. I use the frequency 5.840 and already tested others that get worse in this case. Since I have arranged to purchase an external control antenna, will this be enough to improve this issue or could this be another different issue? 3)In the manual I read something related to "connecting" the control to Drone. I know this procedure is already factory ready, but if I remade this connection (according to the procedure mentioned in the manual) would this somehow improve the connection and visualization of fvp? 4) Sobre o firmware, como verifico se tenho as versões mais recentes no Control e no Drone? (A versão atual que aparece no contorno é "V4.2.13, LCD V1.3.3") 5) Sobre a bateria, pode ou não ser carregada na tomada através de uma tomada de telefone celular de 5v (usando o cabo Hubsan original)? Nesse caso, além da tensão de saída ideal e qual seria a corrente de saída ideal (amperagem) para o carregamento adequado da bateria? 6) Notei também que a antena interna do Drone está posicionada em uma das pernas da carcaça, mas é completamente interna, sendo possível ver apenas desmontando o drone. Meu outro drone Visuo, por exemplo, o fio da antena está posicionado para fora e aparecendo do lado de fora. Se eu fizer isso no Hubsan (deixe o fio da antena de amostra), de alguma forma, melhorará a conexão fvp ou não terá efeito?
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